'Trading is a process of observing the market's action until such a time you can find and form trading ideas and get involved.'**

Saturday, June 27, 2020

About New Market Participants

There lots of misconceptions about what's going on in the stock market right now. Due to the pandemic crisis and most are confine in their own comfort, lots of people turn into the market trading stocks. Nothing wrong with that, but most old timers in the market are complaining. We cannot control the people who wants to look for an opportunity - they've been out of work because of the virus. It's their right to find ways to survive and do something in their own comfort and what is best for them. Lots of veteran well funded wealthy wall streeters are blaming or are demonizing these new market participants. They don't want to partake their controlled wealth to these new market participants. It is their right, even though they are new, they have their own idea(s) to participate, let them do and trade the market. Let them lose or let them earn money, it's their right.