'Trading is a process of observing the market's action until such a time you can find and form trading ideas and get involved.'**

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2013 Trading

Much to narrate about trading for the year 2013 for this self-taught independent market observer and hard trying 'would be' trader, except that the market for this humble participant is really a shot in the air. But it's better to shoot in the air than shooting at something else, isn't it? Well, what that means, I mean participating in the market is really hard work, understanding yourself, have discipline at all times, and most of all be an 'observer'.

Be adaptable too, have your own understanding about the market, and be an independent thinker, ready to act on your own, not being influence by anybody. Though you can entertain other (lots) ideas regarding the market, but at the end of the day, when trading time, it's all yours, no one can help you in trading except yourself. Who else going to help you 'real time' to make you money? Nobody!

In (my) trading, you need to have your own idea to participate, that's what I learned and what I do believe. Make your own way of trading to say the least. For the coming 2014, we hope we can have a better way of participating in the market, and I wish all fellow traders a very fruitful trading this coming 2014...