'Trading is a process of observing the market's action until such a time you can find and form trading ideas and get involved.'**

Monday, January 28, 2013

Love The Market...Even In Randomness

Been a while not posting any partly due to quite busy trading the markets in random way.

Though the market surge big time early in the New Year but it hardly move upwards.

Sure lots of in-home traders are struggling confronting the market.

Notice some traders blogger are not quite that active giving some advice/ideas as compared years back.

Is that a sign that they are giving up with the ups and downs of the market or they run out of opinions to described the markets going on?

Or some or most in-home traders decided to give up or they found a new job?

Your guess is as good as mine!

As for this struggling wannabe trader, i can say there's no way giving up loving the market.

The market is such a good friend, it gives you opportunities, lots of them.

First your sanity, if you don't know what you are doing you will suffer beyond your imaginable means.

Second, you will lose your wallet and maybe your love ones.

For it consumed your hard earned money and also the most precious of all - your time.

And lastly, after experiencing lots of hardships and debacle on your being, the rewards are forthcoming.

You will learn how to trade the market beyond its randomness and the opportunity sets it.

That's where the time where all your losses starts to recover.

Trading is a process, its like planting a fruit tree that originates from a seed.

You have to nurture that seed until it starts to grow as a tree and starts to bear fruit.

Sometimes it takes time to bear fruits that's why you have to fertilize it.