'Trading is a process of observing the market's action until such a time you can find and form trading ideas and get involved.'**

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Trade Your Own Way

Trading is not all about practice (live trading), you also need to be emotionally balance.

When we mentioned emotionally balance, you should be ready to put trades with reasons and purpose.

Not trades that are impulsive and no clear understanding in reference with the current market environments.

Putting unnecessary trades will affect you emotionally when at the end of the day you notice the summary of your account is on the negative side.

And you cannot refrain basing from your P&L because trading is all about making a profit.

And as you go along with your journey in trading, the problem of trading technique is not the issue anymore.

Whereas, initially while you are still on the learning stage you are looking for the shortcut to make money.

But after a while, you will realize that putting trades is not the issue.

It's all about the whole picture that includes market environments, minds of the participants, and your own psychology about the market.

It will take years to learn all of these, but through patience and perseverance - nothing is impossible.

Trading is like building a house in an earthquake prone areas, you should have a trading foundation that is solid and strong.

To sum it all, trading is all about your own understanding about the market and your own way of making trades.

It cannot be imposed on you, you have to find your niche and own way to trade.

No one can help you to make money in trading because other traders too are busy making money in their own way.

They cannot (and will never?) tell that to you, even to their love ones?

That's for sure!