'Trading is a process of observing the market's action until such a time you can find and form trading ideas and get involved.'**

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A day to day activities for the market

Showing this daily chart from the YM futures, Dow Jones, it is still a day to day status about where the market is going/heading.

There is no clear cut idea because of the unpredictable news events that is coming from different parts of the continent.

One thing for sure is that the market is still a traders market, a day to day activities.

The market is a news driven action, but that is already given since the bear market started in 07'.

It's an unsettling market behavior the past five years, same year started doing full time trading.

The chart below is in the range mode, and notice the bar size are full of longer ones.

A sign of unpredictable outcome or happenings in the market.

Let's see and always keep watching when the market settles.