'Trading is a process of observing the market's action until such a time you can find and form trading ideas and get involved.'**

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Is Trading 'Easy'?

 That can be answered depends how you interpret the market based from your own participation. I made this kind of question to my own trading because I do my own trading by myself without the aid of anyone except through my own way of learning. I am not saying/boasting or tooting my horn, it's because I don't have any means to pay expensive seminars, subscribe to expensive tutors or whatever those 'great' traders are espousing that they can beat the market, or those promises that they know how to make a good trade and help you make tons or millions of 'In God We Trust' paper.

That's pure nonsense as far as this humble market observer is concern, though I can't show any kind of that tons of green paper, but based from my own humbling way of participating in the market, when it comes to making trades, trading can be done by you alone, it cannot be done for you, that's for sure. Trading is within you!

So is trading is easy? No it's not, but is 'simple'! With that, you can answer that when you are in the market losing for long, as this market observer can point out. Trading can be done based from your own  market observation, reading the minds of the market...as that famous quote from the market speculators always emphasized. It's about understanding the whole market structure, it's about your own way of interpreting how you can participate based from your own way of learning, it is not about how other people's (traders) way of trading - it is about your own way.

It is not how 'sophisticated' you are, I mean those indicators, it is not about how you fill your chart with lots of indicators which 'most' don't understand - only the one who invented it can understand, or if they can/do (I mean the inventor itself), I'm sure they don't use it either (sorry folks). It is not about that vwap...profiling... fibs...tick...rsi...or whatever...those are all for sophistication, the more you 'sophisticate' your trading, the more you make it hard to make a trade, is that not 'common sense'?

So make a trade based from your own way, don't trade other trader's way, because at the end of the day, when the market opens, everybody are scrambling to make green bucks. The best way is to collate great trading ideas, mold them into your own, implement it the way you understand it based from your own way of understanding how the market works, the big question there is 'how the market works', that will be your problem to solve, that will take a long time to 'dig' your 'bonehead'.

Based from my years of losing, desperation, frustration, name (I mean the hardship in the market) it I experienced it, trading the market is simple...but it's NOT THAT EASY!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Last minute trade

Friday's market not quite interesting, an ugly chart trading day.

Did last minute trade and able to get back early loss.

Trade MNQU4 in the futures markets (chart is QQQ, similar pattern).

Daily Trading Notes

Following are notes to be aware of when confronting the market

1. Don't impose will in the market. Trade what charts do.

2. Wait for the right timing/pattern to emerge. Don't manufacture trades.

3. Gad'm shit - cannot trade the market everyday!

4. Add to winning trades, not to losing trades.

5. Don't trade/send money to suicide mission.

6. Don't just trade for the sake of trading.

7. Market doldrums - 8:30am - 11:30am. PT (need to be aware of, market is taking lunch break)

8. Trade smarter not harder. Focus on the process.

9. Trade with an edge. Trade with sense.

10. Trade what you see.

11. Be accountable. Protect capital.

12. Be patient. Wait for the right trade setup.

13. Be consistent. Be selective.

14. Cut losses. Always put stop.

15. Job is not trading. Job is to make money.

Trade 'in-between'

In trading the market, impossible to buy at the bottom and sell at the top.

The best way to trade is 'in-between'.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trade with an edge - to make a good trade and make money

There lots of ways to make money trading the stock market, and the opportunity to make money is always there.

The money is always there ready to grab it - if you know and learn how the market works, you can earn a living trading the  market.

It's not about having much capital, it's about having understanding how to make trades with an 'edge'.

Edge is about the knowledge and understanding the market movement relative to the technical charts.

And having familiarity with the trading instruments will have an advantage  - futures/stocks/cryptos/forex.

Once you develop a familiarity based from your own understanding, then you can have the edge.

Futures markets especially the indices preferably offers good opportunity. 

They correlate the main charts below.

Futures markets especially the micros offers low margins and you can trade them with minimal capital.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Trading for an 'Adventurer Trader' - lessons from an ordinary self-taught individual home trader

Been trading for quite some time, on and off, through the years of self learning, I find that trading is all in 'yourself'.

Cannot be like those traders in you tubers and in the trading books - they're all 'myth'.

Even if you have all the ideas in trading and have much capital, but if you don't have the self belief and thorough examination of yourself - cannot be done positively.

All you will have is frustrations, denials, searching/researching of ways to become 'profitable', and 'become successful' - like those in the You Tube's - mind you, that will just be a dream (well - better to have a 'dream' than not to have one😏).

Have read a lot of books, name it and I have read them most if not all, including those 'scratch books' in kindles, they won't help, all you will get are just words/sentences/techniques/strategy/quotes, whatever - that will just leave you spinning around and continue thinking/implementing ideas you got/learned, not knowing you did everything, and for years, still chasing that 'that' dream someday you can make it.

Not ever, you cannot make it!

Unless you have that 'third paragraph' sentence of this post - it will just be a waste of time/money/effort - and you will remain 'gambling' your intelligent mind forever and you might get a 'divorced' notice from your princes/pals/love ones😝.

Monday, June 3, 2024

SHIB to the moon

 possible to make a good $ outcome per the chart below